wild chaga mushroom

The Wild Chaga Mushroom: A Brief History

Chaga mushroom benefits has been a staple in traditional Eastern medicine for many generations. Today, it is finally experiencing a surge in popularity in the Western world. Once you learn about the many exciting potential benefits of chaga, you may find yourself wondering - what took us so long to catch on?! 

Well, better late than never. Now that the word is out about the therapeutic power of chaga mushroom, it has become a modern health craze. 

This mushroom is rich in fiber and essential nutrients, including vitamin D, iron, magnesium, potassium, manganese, and calcium [1]. These properties are believed to give chaga incredible medicinal value. It is also considered a potent antioxidant, meaning it helps to combat harmful accumulation of free radicals in the body [2].

Some even believe that chaga can have a substantial effect on slowing the spread of cancer, or perhaps preventing it altogether [3]. Considering cancer’s widespread prevalence and devastating impact in our society, finding more effective ways to fight and prevent it is critical.

Where is Chaga Found?

This fascinating fungus is most commonly found growing on birch tree trunks in regions with colder climates-- particularly throughout Russia, Korea, Eastern and Northern Europe, Northern United States, and Canada [4].

Learn about harvesting chaga in the wild!

The Origins of Chaga and its Uses

Chaga mushroom, known as the “King of Herbs,” has been used medicinally for centuries. It has been used in botanical medicine throughout Eastern Europe and Asia, primarily to boost immunity and overall health [5].

Some of the original uses date back thousands of years ago, when inhabitants of the mountainous region of Siberia would drink chaga tea regularly. They would also use the fungus topically and as an inhalant [4]. In modern times, the latter forms are no longer used. Chaga is now primarily consumed in tea form. Chaga teas may feature the mushroom alone or in combination with other herbs and adaptogens, such as the cordyceps mushroom. Chaga is also available at many health stores as a powdered or capsuled supplement [5].

Throughout the ages, chaga has been used to treat a variety of afflictions,some of which include heart disease, diabetes, various cancers, liver disease, parasites, stomach pain, and tuberculosis [6]. It is believed to fight inflammation, lower blood sugar, reduce blood pressure, and alleviate arthritis [1].  However, more research is needed to determine the effectiveness of chaga as a treatment for these specific conditions.

Is Chaga Mushroom Right For Me?

Although chaga is generally very well-tolerated, it is important to note that it can interact negatively with certain medications.

Due to its ability to lower blood sugar, people on insulin or other diabetes medications should consult with their doctor before taking chaga, as the interaction of chaga with their medication could potentially cause blood sugar levels to drop too low. Additionally, chaga should be avoided by those on blood-thinning medications, anyone with a bleeding disorder, or individuals preparing for surgery. This is due to the anticoagulant properties of proteins found in chaga - the combination with a blood-thinning medication or bleeding disorder could be detrimental [5, 7]

It’s always a good idea to consult with your physician before adding any supplements to your daily regimen. However, chaga is well-received and can potentially provide wonderful benefits to most consumers. 

Want to see for yourself why so many people, both past and present, have welcomed this mushroom into their daily lives and health regimens? Give our chaga mushroom teas a try!